The electricity market in Queensland has seen a significant price increase in June this year, directly impacting households and businesses. The Default Market Offer (DMO) plays a crucial role in regulating electricity prices for customers who are on a standing offer.
In 2023, Queensland witnessed significant changes in its DMO and subsequent price increases. This article will delve into the details of the Queensland electricity market, explore the modifications to the DMO, and present graphs illustrating the price increases.
Understanding the Default Market Offer (DMO):
The DMO is a price cap that protects electricity customers who are on standing offers or have not actively engaged with the retail market. It ensures that consumers are charged a fair price for their electricity usage. The DMO acts as a benchmark, preventing retailers from charging excessive prices and providing consumers with a transparent option if they do not choose a specific retailer.
Modifications to the DMO in 2023:
In 2023, the Queensland government made several amendments to the DMO to reflect the changing market dynamics and cost factors. These modifications were designed to strike a balance between protecting consumers and allowing retailers to recover their costs.
Wholesale Electricity Costs:
One of the primary factors affecting electricity prices is wholesale electricity costs. Fluctuations in the wholesale market directly impact the DMO. In 2023, wholesale electricity prices experienced a notable increase due to factors such as changes in supply and demand dynamics, fuel costs, and environmental regulations.
Network Costs:
Network costs refer to the expenses incurred in transmitting and distributing electricity. They account for a significant portion of retail electricity prices. In 2023, the network costs associated with maintaining and upgrading infrastructure increased, primarily due to ongoing investments required to improve the grid’s reliability and support renewable energy integration.
Environmental and Policy Factors:
To support the transition to a cleaner and more sustainable energy future, various environmental and policy factors have been introduced. Initiatives such as renewable energy targets, carbon pricing mechanisms, and subsidies for clean energy projects can influence electricity prices. These factors, although essential for a greener future, also contribute to the increased cost of electricity in the short term.
Graphical Representation of Price Increases:
To better understand the impact of the DMO modifications in 2023, let’s examine the following graphs:
Historical and Forecast Electricity Price Trends

Breakdown of Price Components for DMO (2022 vs. 2023)

Source AER
The Default Market Offer serves as an essential mechanism for regulating electricity prices in Queensland. In 2023, modifications to the DMO were necessary to accommodate changing market dynamics and environmental considerations. The increase in wholesale electricity costs, network costs, and environmental factors contributed to a notable rise in electricity prices. It is essential for consumers to stay informed about these changes and explore alternative retail offers to potentially reduce their electricity costs.