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This month, we have partnered with LPE to share their industry first renewable energy solutions.

Using unique, shared solar technology, The Corporate Centre in Maroochydore has overcome one of the strata industry’s biggest barriers to becoming more sustainable by installing a 100kW solar system on its shared roof space, offsetting 40% of tenants’ daytime electricity usage.

The installation is part of LPE’s $30 million investment into Queensland strata communities, as the industry continues to seek out renewable energy solutions.

By producing an average of 420kWhs per day, the shared solar system benefits the entire community at The Corporate Centre by providing 38 commercial office spaces with the opportunity to take advantage of their share of onsite, renewable energy, and save money on their electricity bills. It also delivers on the community’s sustainability endeavours without the tenants or the body corporate having to pay out any up-front costs – thanks to LPE’s funding of the shared solar system.

“We’ve already delivered this technology to countless other strata communities throughout Southeast Queensland, including residential apartments, holiday units, and now commercial office spaces too,” says Tony McCulloch, National Strata Manager at LPE.

“To date we have installed over a million dollars’ worth of shared solar and have a further three million dollars’ worth committed and due to be installed in the coming weeks,” he added.

“Strata communities are fast seeing the benefit of shared solar as a solution that not only has the potential to reduce electricity costs but also to create sustainable communities of the future,” says Damien Glanville, LPE’s CEO.

The unique technology used in LPE’s Shared Solar system diverts roughly 11kWhs of solar electricity per day, in real time, to each tenancy, or to other service points if and when a tenancy does not require their share of the solar electricity. All solar electricity is metered, and customers only pay for their own usage.

Travis Brown, Chairman of the Corporate Centre, is extremely pleased with the results. “We’ve been looking at solar electricity solutions for a long time, as we’ve wanted to do our bit for the environment, all while providing our tenants with cheaper, greener electricity. The challenge was always getting something that worked for all tenants as well as the body corporate — so when LPE offered us this incredible shared solar electricity system at absolutely no cost to install, we were sold,” Mr Brown said.

“We’ve had great feedback from our tenants, too, with them knowing that they are helping the environment by using renewable power and saving money at the same time. We really think this will help us retain and attract quality tenants,” he added.

LPE is a Queensland-based electricity provider servicing over 45,000 residential, business, and embedded network customers. With over 2,500 strata communities as customers, LPE is the leader in providing electricity solutions to the strata industry through innovative shared solar or carbon-neutral centralised hot water solutions.

Serious about sustainability, LPE are constantly innovating to become the leading sustainable electricity provider.

Find out if your apartment or townhouse community is eligible for LPE Shared Solar.

The LPE team is more than happy to discuss your community’s needs and concerns when it comes to shared solar. We can assess your building or complex to ensure its suitable for our LPE Shared Solar solution – this may include a site visit. From there, we would be happy to send you a site-specific proposal.

By creating change now, we truly believe that we can all make a positive difference. Contact our dedicated team today on 1800 040 168 or email [email protected].

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